Play Here (It's Free)...

HELLO!... Think of this Planetary Prize Giving Game as a 'back to front raffle' where, instead of you paying to play, we have monthly Sponsors who have contributed funding to us at 'Our Planet (Our Paradise)' to FIRST & FOREMOST celebrate our planet & SECONDLY, to get their amazing products/services promoted to you.
CLICK... Here are our 'MONTHLY SPONSORS / PRIZES' - each of whom has their own virtual stall. Click on the stalls (you’ll be taken through to their websites)... [There are also some non profits featured, in case you want your prize to be supporting them.]
BROWSE/CHOOSE... Have a browse and choose your favourite products & services. (You can choose any of the products/services on any of these websites, up to £50, as a prize. If the product/service you want is more than £50 - and you win the raffle - we will send the company in question £50 and you just pay the remaining cost).
UNLIMITED TICKETS... Submit as many tickets as you want (one ticket for each choice of product/service - check out some EXAMPLES of how to submit tickets for your chosen prizes) using the form at the bottom of this page.
YOU CAN PLAY EVERY MONTH... Every month you can play again - free - and fingers & toes crossed that you win! Each month there will some of the same Sponsors as the previous month AND some whole new sponsors to find out about & choose prizes from.
[All of the Monthly Sponsors have been carefully chosen because all of the products/services that they offer us (for you to choose and win as prizes) enable us to celebrate our planet & all other creatures. By winning their prizes, you'll be enabling a planetary paradise for more of us.]
WHY IS IT FREE TO SUBMIT TICKETS AND WIN PRIZES? BECAUSE... All of these Monthly Sponsors have contributed funding to us at 'Our Planet (Our Paradise)' to FIRST & FOREMOST celebrate our planet & SECONDLY, to get their amazing products/services promoted to you. Your name/contact details are NOT passed onto anyone. See more on that on the ticket submissions form. [OP (OP) takes up to - but never more than - 30% of the sponsorship income, to cover our running costs.] The remaining (at least 70%) of contributions are split equally & donated to the following 4 'planet loving efforts': UK Wildlife Transporters, the Wildlife Care Badge, sending aid to Gaza & Home Habitats Worldwide. [In summary, Sponsors help us to help others and, to thank them for their support, we invite our 'prize giving game players' to learn all about them and their products/services: helping them to grow their online audience.]

19:00 31st October 2024

*The draw will be held at 19:00. The winner will be informed that they have won by 20:00 the same day (by email / text). We will then arrange with the winner how best they want to secure their prize. Ie. Would they like to be transferred the £50 for them to buy the prizes themselves or would they like us to buy the prizes on their behalf and have them delivered.
How can you celebrate being alive, here & now? And... How can we have & do all that we want in the ways that most empower our whole planet to thrive too?
This PPGG is here to help YOU to answer these questions for yourself and to celebrate all of us living our lives to the maximum: hopefully winning some free prizes to help us thrive.
You can be in with a chance to win free prizes from the sponsors featured below. All of the sponsors provide experiences / services / products that we might need to help us to live our best lives, celebrating that we are 'one planet' & enabling our well being/happiness & even helping us to just explore our world & express ourselves. All of the sponsors are 'planet empowering'. As such, there's some really innovative products made available to win - a lot of upcycled products, transforming 'waste' into 'wow!' - and all of the sponsors are, as a minimum requirement, vegan & cruelty free. (It's fine if 'veganism' isn't your personal lifestyle preference but I think that we can all at least celebrate the fact that no animals were denied their wild freedom & tested on in laboratories, to make these exciting prizes available to you). Happy playing!

Let's celebrate ALL that we have in common: we are one planet of infinite planetary creatures.
Let's celebrate that we're all wild & perfect & born to live our very best lives.
Let's celebrate the lush wonder of our planet (our habitat/home).

I set up Our Planet (Our Paradise) and all of my other wild non profit organisations - and ultimately this Prize Giving Game - because it is very important to me that we all, whatever/whomever we are, get a fair chance to live our very best lives. All of my experience has taught me that a powerful first step towards a planetary paradise is truly being aware of & celebrating our own wild perfection and I have recently launched this e-booklet/presentation, available as a digital download, because I want us all to thrive. If you'd like to, check it out: you deserve to celebrate the wildly perfect person that you are.​
(You can also choose this e-booklet as one of your potential free prizes).